Nüdlingen, Bavaria
Nüdlingen, Bavaria
Birthday: September 1
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Nüdlingen, Bavaria
September 1
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
C TRP 1/2 ACR, D CO 1/2 ACR
Where were you stationed?
Christensen Barracks sometimes, Camps Gates and Hof often, South West Asia for a few months.
What MOS or job description did you have?
2nd Platoon Sergeant and Master Gunner in C TRP from DEC 1987 through NOV 1989. First Sergeant of D CO from NOV 1990 until base closure in May of 1992.
What was your rank/title?
SFC/PSG and MG in C TRP 1SG of D CO
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
From late December 1987 through mid May 1992.
Tell us a little about your cav days.
My first CAV days were served with G TRP 2/11 ACR from March 1976 through January of 1982. There I served as a scout totting an M60 MG. Next assignment was as a gunner then finally as a tank commander on an M551 AR/AAV, We went from 6 Sheridan's to 4 M60 A1s so I wound up as a gunner again. Not too happy about that so I picked up a few more MOS as a 63 F Recovery Section Sergeant and 63C Motor Sergeant. I transitioned the troop from M60 A1s to M60 A3 passives as the Motor Sergeant then took one on as a TC in Graf. Went to Fort Hood and served in the 1ST CAV Division for six years as an M60 TC/MG, PSG, M1 PSG/MG and BN/TF MG. Finally got back to regimental CAV in DEC 1987 with 1/2 ACR. I had great pleasure serving as a PSG/MG with C TRP for two+ years and then as as the 1SG of D CO through Desert Shield/Storm and return of the 2nd ACR stateside. My assignments to both Germany based cavalry regiments were challenging and fulfilling. Spending many days and nights patrolling the "Iron Curtain" from Camps Wolbach (later Lee), Gates, and Hof, gave this young soldier many valuable lessons and perspectives on exactly why a professional military is so important in preserving our freedoms and those of our allies. I would proudly take the same paths again and I still miss serving to this day.
Tell us a little about you now.
I retired from active duty in February of 1998. I spent a year after military separation working for myself completing our home in Nüdlingen, Germany. Since then I worked for a few months at a local apple juice bottling company. My next Job experience lasted 17+ years initially as a Volvo car salesman. Eventually that grew into a sales management position of multiple small Volvo, Jaguar, and Land Rover sales facilities. We catered mainly to the military and diplomatic communities based overseas, Unfortunately that business came to a close as many bases closed here in Germany. My present work is with a garden center that raises insectivores about 200 meters from my house. The owner is my age so we'll probably retire together next year. My wonderful wife of 40 + years, Sonja is still with me after all of that. She is a real trooper! Our two girls and granddaughter are grown and all are pursuing their careers here locally.
Phone number (Optional).
01149-971-60427 (from the states)
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
There are so many I can't possibly list all. I would really like to try getting into contact with all of the C TRP Comanches, D CO Dawgs and Dakotas that I served together with during my time on the Rock.
Good Day,
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( officialaishacbdd@gmail.com ) for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless
My email is lnjmoore@charter.net.
I will contact him as soon as I finish this. I am fully retired now. Living in St. Charles, MO. I am a "lucky 13er". After PA school the Army sent me to Ft. Stewart to a Mech Bn. I then went to Ft. Leonard Wood and finished my career as a pediatric specialist. I worked as DA PA when I retired for 13 yrs. Finished up in private practice in 2019. Keep in touch. I fixed my email.
Hi David - Chief here have not heard from you in a while - just wanted to wish you a happy 4th and to share photos from the rock and Delta company. my wife who is also a German normally goes home to Marktheidenfe every year to visit her family.except for this year,. anyway I do have a pile of photos of the Rock and of course Tanks.hard to believe.the M-1 is now 30 years old and retired,- attached a few photos I think you would enjoy - Chief

I got your company picture to post on the portraits page, thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for reaching out. What a blast from the past! I notice that you live in Nuedlingen--that's where I lived when I was in the Blackhorse! I read your full profile so I can see you had a full military career (I tell people I couldn't decide if I liked the army until I had been in it for 25 years. Ha!). After my Brave Rifles time (86-89) I became the PMS at Davidson College, from which I intended to retire, and even put in my paperwork to retire in '94, but one day Marty Dempsey called me and asked me to be the liaison officer to the French cavalry, which I was quite happy to do. So until I retired in '97 my job was to drink wine and ride horses with and occasional break to give a lecture to French NCOs and junior officers. When I retired we wanted to live in a small horse town in the South, so we moved to Camden, SC. I was "trailing spouse" from '04 to '08 in New Delhi and Beijing. Great stories for another day.
I have divided loyalties from my regimental days: I learned to be a soldier in 1/2 ACR, but may have had my happiest days in G Troop. I often wear a Blackhorse pin in the lapel of my jacket (my civilian uniform as a school principal).
Gotcha. Just let me know when you have your new profile. You can also reach me here too.