What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
HHC, 1/2 ACR and C Troop, 1/2 ACR
Where were you stationed?
Fort Polk, LA
What MOS or job description did you have?
Squadron S4, Troop Commander
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Marc Melton, Dylan Carlson, Scott Schumacher, Rob Ballagh, Ron Semerena, Richard Cormier, Mike Evans
I tried sending the Colorado Platoon a mass e-mail, an invitation to a christmas Open House, at my home. Can you tell me if it worked?
We are up to 5, it's only been a few days since I started looking for people. I went through the entire Dragoon Base membership list and pinged everybody living in Colorado. I was hoping to get to platoon strength.
We have 3 old retired fogeys including myself, one active 4ID guy (so I don't know how long he will be around), and you. I am not sure what your status is? What do you do for work?
I scanned through your blog and liked it, other than the fact that you mislabeled the War Between the States as a civil war and chose the wrong side to write about! ;o)
I was born and raised a New England Yankee but was re-educated after being stationed in LA and KY.
Welcome. I was in Lightning Troop, I recognize a couple of names on your buddy list. I served with Rich Cormier in Germany (1/68 AR), and I believe Melton was the XO of Bandit. Lightning relieved Bandit in Kuwait in OCT of 02.
I actually deployed in NOV-DEC to Uganda for three weeks. Ate some monkey-meat on a stick from some road side vendor. High adventure all the way.
Melton is still here but is due to leave soon. I have not seen him yet, but will see him soon - he is in my squadron 4/2 SCR.
Just here in Germany so we are still trying to get our German legs and time straight. Kids will start school this week - Wednesday and we got quarters tomorrow tuesday. I'll keep you posted.
Take Care

Toujours Pret Don,Welcome to the new DragoonBase, the new Base has plenty of newer features, lots of sub-groups,(ie,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,etc.) and links for 2nd Cav News and History.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for navigating the site (ie,photos,links,ect) in the Forum.
If you need any help, you can contact Robb, or myself, or just yell out, another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish, ‘Keep it clean’, use our Real names/with Pictures(pix from back in the day, work best for searching for Brothers, but any picture will do.), and that you tell all your friends about the new DragoonBase.
Thanks Again for joining,
Jesse Kelley