What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
3rd Squadron HHT, Iron Troops
Where were you stationed?
What MOS or job description did you have?
A-S3, I Troop Commander
What was your rank/title?
Captain / Assistant S3, S1, I Troop Commander
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
1990 - 1992
Welcome Sir, just wanted to let you know we also have a facebook page named Pond Barracks. It is a very fast growing page with a lot going on. It was set up for all those who served at Pond Barracks. If you are interested in checking it out, come on over and request a membership. Would love to see you there.
Good to have a new member from GA. I have family up your way. Welcome to the base!
If you didn't live so far away, I'd try to pass it off on you.
Ever heard of Tiger, Georgia? Way up north. Only place in Georgia I've ever been. When I was taking Sheridan training at Ft. Knox 1972, one of my instructor's wife was from Tiger and the three of us drove down there a couple times.
Welcome to Dragoon Base, Doug.
Do you recognize this Iron Troop sign? My son got it from a major at Ft. Lewis several years ago. Said he brought it back from Iraq and was tired of lugging it around. I covered it in several coats of varathane and was thinking of making a picnic table out of it.