What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Iron Troop 3/2 ACR Fort Polk
Outlaw Troop 4/2 SCR Vilseck Germany
Where were you stationed?
Fort Polk, LA
Vilseck Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
19D driver to Platoon Sergeant
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Well, I started out my 17 year Army career at Fort Polk in 2 ACR and ended up in the unit again when my unit reflagged to 2 SCR (Stryker Cavalry Regiment) at Fort Lewis Wa in 06.
Tell us a little about you now.
Now, I’m retired doing what I want to do now which is gym, fish, hunt, take care of my kids, and whatever else I want to do. It’s a great life!
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
I stay pretty connected on Facebook over the years with a lot of people I served with, but it would be great to meet new folks and maybe reconnect with ones I knew not not all that well.
A two-time offender, huh? Quite the round-about way of getting back in the 2d Cavalry! I was born at Ft. Lewis and have lived within the sound of the guns my whole life. I was the 2d Cavalry Association historian when 1/25 reflagged to 2SCR. There had been a lot of talk prior that the 2d Cavalry might just go away all together. Thanks for your part in the regiment's continuing history.
Are you a member of the 2d Cavalry Association? It was the first and is the oldest unit specific veteran's organization in the US, established in 1899 by the 2d Cavalry veterans of the war in Cuba. Life membership is absolutely free, all you have to do is visit the 2d Cavalry Association website and sign up. https://www.2dcavalryassociation.com/ We also have grand reunions every two years at different places related to the regiment's history. There is a reunion this April in Tennessee. Information is here on Dragoon Base and on the Association site. Again, welcome aboard. Toujours Pret!