Haverhill, MA
Haverhill, MA
Birthday: October 1
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Haverhill, MA
October 1
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
KTrp 3/2 ACR Captain Thomas Kilgore LTC David Bird
Where were you stationed?
Amberg FRG
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Jan 84 - Jan 86
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Worked in Border Ops at Camps May and Rotz (later Reed) for 3 of my 5 border tours, controlling patrols, GSR Teams, and any helicopter flights along the Czech/West German border.
Tell us a little about you now.
Work as a Regional Territory Manager for Microsoft Gold/National Systems Integrator Partner; Pragmatic Works - Profile at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasduclos/
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Steve Root - served with him in K Troop - still keep in touch to this day. Sgt. Brooks - Served with him in Squadron Operations Center in Amberg Germany. I know he played football for University of FL and was from FL originally. SGM Beam - Took me out on my 19th Birthday while stationed at Camp May. Never forget that night. LTC David Bird - I know he is retired and living in Newmarket - would love to drop him a line and let him know after all these years it was my honor and pleasure to serve in his Squadron - being a New Hampshire native - he even asked me if I would pursue USMAPS and then USMA. At that time I told him I would pursue going to a New Hampshire state college which I did. LT Burns - became our Platoon Leader and is someone that I have always thought to reach out to.
Toujours Pret Thomas
The Dragoonbase.com, has
plenty of updated features
(HTML and format friendly), lots of sub-groups,
(Officers Club,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,and the
always busy Oldtimers club).
Also links for “2nd Cavalry Assn.”
News and History Centers.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for
navigating the site(ie,photos,links,ect)
in the Forum.
Please feel free to stop by and read the
latest “Tacoma Dave's ‘Triva Quiz’”,
you can learn some 2nd Cav history,
and you could even, win a kool prize.
If you need any help, you may contact
Robb Russell, or any of the 5 admins listed
at the top of the page, or just yell out,
another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish is to,
‘Keep it clean’.
Use your real name and picture,
(pix from back in the day,work best
for searching for Brothers),
but any picture will do.
And that you please tell all your friends
about, where to find the DragoonBase.
Thanks again for joining Dragoon Base,
and for your Service and Dedication,
to Our Great Country.
Jesse Kelley
F Troop 2/2ACR
Welcome to Dragoon Base, Tom. David Bird has been a member here since 2009. Here is his e-mail address: bird.david@comcast.net
...and his profile page: http://dragoonbase.com/profile/DavidOBird
Toujours Pret, brother!