Sainte Genevieve, MO
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
G Trp 2/2 ACR
I Trp 3/2 ACR
Where were you stationed?
Bamberg FRG
Amberg FRG
What MOS or job description did you have?
63N30 M551, M60A1, M60A3 Tank System Mechanic
What was your rank/title?
Sgt E5 and SSG E6
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
G Trp 2/2 ACR 1977 to 1979
I TRP 3/2 ACR 1982 to 1985
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Let's see, Hoenfels-Graf-Border, Hoenfels-Graf-Border repeat.
Fav border camp (s) Camp Coberg and Camp May
Tell us a little about you now.
22 years in the Army. Retired as SFC. 20 years working in the civilian sector now I'm retired from all.