Civil Defence siren test 2002 - Guernsey Nuclear Command Centre

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November 2002, Guernsey tests it's nuclear attack warning sirens. This one is at the nuclear command bunker in the Oberlands. 3 floors deep underground and w...

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  • I started out training on M60 tanks and then M551 Sheridan after Basic Training. They were going to split my best friend and I up after graduation, so we volunteered for the MP's to stay together. Went to Kaiserslautern for a few weeks OJT, then off to Stuttgart. I later got transferred to a small detachment in Neu Ulm and loved it. That's where I got in trouble.
  • Dave, after I took my asvab, I had my pick of job, MP being one of them. I told them I wanted to drive a tank! 

    Sounds like even tho you got boned on pay, someone was watching out for you!

    Nothing like a good blanket party....does wonders.

  • I know, Jim. I was an MP before going to 2d Cav. Hard to believe, but it was even more fun than being in the Cav. Almost ended up in Mannheim or Leavenworth several times! Seven of us got kicked out of the MP's and did six weeks hard labor details but were never charged with or even accused of ANYTHING. My pay records also got "lost" for six months and I never got the back pay when they were "found". We'd had a blanket party one night for the new company snitch, and it turned out his daddy was a General.


  • Dave, the MP's were getting their own, at a discount!
  • Why is alway's on a Payday weekend?
  • Screw the MP's and their dogs. They can get their own!
  • better watch it jim, the MP's are bringing in the dogs!
  • WTF?! Another piss test? DAMN IT!  LOL....  8-)
  • how many times have we heard this sound in the early morning hours? It still brings back alot of memories
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