F Troop 2nd Sqdn-2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment Rollcall 1972-75

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A tribute to my 2nd Cav Brothers of which I am Honored to have served with on Border Patrol on the Iron Curtain.

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  • Great  Job Jesse I was with the 3/2  ACR  We were all proud to part of the  2 Regiment 


  •  really enjoyed this tribute of yours , hope it was ok to view  I was at Amberg w/ 3rd but knew afew from Bamberg who went to AIT w/myself art Ft. Knox. great job  who's the music by really  enjoyed it?

  • I really enjoyed your video and the music.
  • Nice job, I remember many of you in the pictures. I saw one of Tom Schmidt on F-15 my Sheridan. Tom was the gunner I was the loader and Sgt Mallory was the Tank Commander. Awesome, brings back some wild memories! I have many pictures myself but not sure how to get them on a disk and upload them. If you'd like to contact me you can reach me @ 5039494327.
  • i ask my self the same question everytime i call the goverment dial 1 for english? nice show
  • Jesse, I was with the 3/2 ACR-Pond Barracks-69-71.On only two ocassions I was able to visit our border camp.You must have a lot of memories,very good tribute!!!!!!!
  • Jesse, sry
  • Nice job on this Jessie...
  • send me Your telephone number! I was across the street!
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