What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Father of 2d Stryker Regiment soldier, SSG Jonathan Kilian Dozier, Hammer Company, 3d Squadron..."Scouts Out"
KIA 09 JAN 2008
Where were you stationed?
Vilseck, DE
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLWishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
Wishing you many more!!!
From all of us at DragoonBase.
Until then, best wishes.
Welsome to Dragoon Base, sir.
My sincere condolences on the loss of your son while fighting with the 2nd Cavalry in Iraq.
I saw you at the ceremony in Vilseck, but couldn't muster the courage to introduce myself. I'm not very good at those types of functions, and was trying to keep up the appearance of being in control of myself. Inside I was crying out in sorrow for each one of those Soldiers.
Thank you for attending the ceremony and allowing your son's friends and comrades-in-arms to share your grief with you.
Dave Gettman
C Trp 1074-75
I too am sorry for your family's loss of a son.
What seems like so long ago I was priviledged to serve in our proud Regiment twice in my career. I knew then how very lucky I was to have served with NCO's who gave sooo willingly of themseves to get any job done superbly during what was the Cold War. But I didn't really understand at the time how fortunate I was to know and lead those super soldiers.
I know that you keep the memory of your son so close to your heart and you must be very proud of those memories. Those of us here on Dragoon Base are proud of his service too. Thanks for sharing Jonathon with us as well.
Bill Barry
God bless you and your family!
There is not one of us that did not wake up each day and ponder and appreciate each day were both alive and free; and as a member of the greatest unit in the Army, the 2ACR and that a drop of a hat into the deep of battle or come into conflict in IRAQ.
My thanks to your family for yours sons service to this great nation and help maintaining freedom for both our nation & others.
Robb Russell.
Admin, Creator
We all Thank You for your Son's service, and Bravery.

Toujours Pret Carl,Welcome to the new DragoonBase, the new Base has plenty of newer features, lots of sub-groups,(ie,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,etc.) and links for 2nd Cav News and History.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for navigating the site (ie,photos,links,ect) in the Forum.
If you need any help, you can contact Robb, or myself, or just yell out, another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish, ‘Keep it clean’, use our Real names/with Pictures(pix from back in the day, work best for searching for Brothers, but any picture will do).
And that you please tell all your friends about the new DragoonBase.
Thanks Again for joining Dragoon Base, and for your service to our great country,
Jesse Kelley