What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
HHT Regimental HQs, I was Regt'l Asst S3; 3d SDN, as I Trp CDR
Where were you stationed?
Merrell Bks, Nuremburg; Pond Barracks, Amburg
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about your cav days.
While in Regt'l S3, I was nicknamed GUNSMOKE 6. I planned and coordinated the Regt'l Table VIII Gunnery for Scouts and Tankers. COL Maddox was R-CDR and LTC Meigs was R-XO.
As CDR, I Troop, 3/2 ACR, Having an H-Series MTOE was the Best. I did the Troop transition from M60A3 TTS to the M1IP. Back then, they had rubber track and we had a lot of tanks sliding of roads on the border and at Graph. Border duty with GSR and M-a5as was great.