What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
1st Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Bindlach, Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
13A, Squadron Fire Support Officer
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I had the honor to serve as the Squadron Fire Support Officer, Nuclear Surety Officer, Deployment Officer, and Order of the Spur Officer for 1st Squadron from 1990-1992 in Bindlach, Germany and deployed with the unit for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm during which the regiment led the VII Corps and engaged in the Battle of the 73 Easting. Upon return to Germany, I was the officer in charge of turning over Christensen Barracks to German authorities as the unit transitioned out of Germany.
Tell us a little about you now.
I am a retired Colonel as of OCT 2014 and have been a JROTC Senior Army Instructor for ten years, currently at Waimea High School Army JROTC on Kauai, Hawaii.
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Curtis Weaver
Mike Bownas
Terry Wallace