El Paso, TX
El Paso, TX
Birthday: May 13
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El Paso, TX
May 13
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
i was in hq troop, at the rock (christensen bks) from 76-79
Where were you stationed?
bindlach, christensen barracks
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
76 - 79
Tell us a little about your cav days.
well of course we did a lot of field time, but i also ran rations out of camp gates for camp pitton and gates, it was a crazy time at the rock, but i will always remember them as the time of my life, but i didnt realize it at the time! one of my best friends was Ron Allman, crazier than me! alot of memories!!
Tell us a little about you now.
after i left the rock i was stationed at ft bragg for 2 years, left there and went back to germany and was stationed with 37th group, at fuerth , with the 1st trans co, from there went to ft bliss tx with the 3rd acr for 3 years and stayed here!
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Ron Allman, William Sheppard, Charles Christenberry, and anyone else who remembers my name from that crazy time!!! lol
yes Gary it was Gunnery at Graf in 78 ,It was one of Charlie company's searc hlight tanks that was last to go down range and it hit one of Alpha company's tanks. Killed the gunner and TC. I was gunner of A22 that year. Only Sheriden to distinguish in the regiment but it loss a lot of luster with the friends we lost that night. Should have never happened. Round was in the main gun too soon and the TC of the C company tank failed to keep his main gun fully elevated and orientated down range. That's when we were using tpt rounds but no matter with the thin skinned Sheridan's.
Let me know. I'm Mendez from the Mess Hall. I had an accident on the way to a field excersises. Truck hit black ice and I got hurt and beat up pretty bad. Let me know.
Anyone on this platform at Bindlach from 79 to 85?
I do know that Luigi bought half of the Bindlach hill, (The Rock) when they closed it and he build a car shop and a leather company. Made millions on The Rock. Luigi worked at Facility Engineers.
Gary Schmidt I was at the Roch HHC 1/2 ACR from 79 to 85 and I remember hearing about the incident because I was stationed in Graf Main Post from 76 to 79. And it was ugly. But things like that you never forget.
I also remember the young Puerto Rican that was in a comma because he fell off the top of a personnel carrier they were playing with on the rock. I still feel bad about that.
Thought I would give it a shot. Vernon Schmidt is a great guy and travels all over the world talking about his time during WW II.
I remember both of those accidents. I also remember the people involved, just not their names right now. The M-60 antennae accident was on a road march, he was told to pull it down when they noticed the power line, it was very ugly, basically exploded him, and also set off some rounds inside the tank. The Sheridan was I believe at Graf, they were on the firing line and the gunner had the turret elevated, but didn't realize they were backed up on the berm and turret was now pointing down, into the rear of the tank in front of them. He was practice test firing, and put a round right into the rear of the other tank. I know the SGT T/C was killed, and I believe the Gunner, but two survived. Both of the gentleman killed had been stationed there a while, and both of their wives were actually on a flight to relocate to Germany when they were killed. All were in A Troop 1/2 ACR I believe 1979, but may have been 1978...long time ago.
Gary, i remember a M60 incident (after the sheridans were swapped out) an antenna was not tied down...touched an overhead powerline , probably for a regional bahn? Understood it was ugly. antenna base not grounded properly or arc was too great anyway?
Hey Gary,
We have a Vernon Schmidt in the 2d Cavalry Association who served in the Regiment during WW II. He just attended the 2d Cavalry Association reunion Oct. 3-6, 2013.
Wonder if he could be a relation?
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!