The 2d Cavalry Association will host the 189th Anniversary of the of the founding of the 2d Cavalry Regiment on Friday May 23d at 11AM Eastern Time.
This will be a worldwide virtual celebration. the 2d Cav Association will be holding in person webcast events in places like Visek Germany, Gettysburg National Battlefield, Fort Keough, Montana, and the Twiggs Family Cemetery in Augusta, Georgia.
Please plan to join us at one of these in person locations or on Microsoft Teams Friday May 23, 2025 at 11:00AM Eastern.
A link will be provided soon if you would like to join on line. If you would like to join in person at one of the Worldwide locations a list of site will be published soon. If you would like to get 189/200 gear or 2d Cav Gear from the gear store go to
2nd Cavalry Association Store