Jackson, NJ
Jackson, NJ
Birthday: September 27
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Jackson, NJ
September 27
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
2nd Platoon, I Troop, 3rd Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Amberg, West Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
11E2R8 AR/AAV M551 Tank Commander/ Border Team Leader.
What was your rank/title?
Sergeant E-5
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I was in the Army for 3 years, I turned down E-6, 12K, and an app tp OCS, to get out of the Army. I kick myself in the ass today for not Taking LTC Smith's offer.
Tell us a little about you now.
I went on to a career as a Police Officer. I retired on JAn 1, 2009 at the rank of Sergeant.
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
I'd like to find Rick Rhodes.
I'll catch up to you after the holidays. Buon Natale!!! Been married to a siciliana for 37 yrs.
I know that you just sent me something but i wasn't on the Dragoon Base website. Say again?
Hi Tony-pulled guard duty with you once at the ammo dump.Iwas in radar.
If you look at the Troop photo from 1774 I am on the bottom left. count six guys left to right. Don't be hard on yourself, the most importiant thing is you are alive, retired and still above ground. I live in Gaithersburg, MD so it won't be a long drive for me. Keep in touch and I hope to see in October.
Great to hear from you. Let me help you remember me. I was the only Black guy on Pond Barracks who could speak fluent German. Back in those days you were a tight NCO. You did not loosen up until you got short. We started to get to know each other on your way out.. I remember you talking about going back to NJ to be a Cop. I had to get out of the Army in 1977 to get out of Combat Arms. I went back in 1978 got into Supply and stayed until retirement 1994. I got out as SFC/E7, went to Univ of Maryland and now I do Contracts for the U.S. Department of State. I got about 3 more years and I will retire for good. Oh, I got the chance to be stationed in Italy for 13 years. The Army was good to me. Hope to see you in PA this year. Last year I was the only Trooper from I Troop. Ciao and keep in touch.
Tony the WOP Amalfitano. You use to call yourself that back in the day.
I remember when you left the Army. Bernard Turner, I ran with Steven Carpenter.
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
Wishing you many more, from all us at DragoonBase!!!

Wishing you many more!!!From all of us at DragoonBase.