What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Regimental Headquarters 2nd ACR
Where were you stationed?
Fort Meade, MD
Nuremburg, Germany (Merrill Barracks)
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
1957 - 1959
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Great bunch of guys ... would love to see them all again.
Tell us a little about you now.
Retired from AT&T (Lucent Technologies). Play tennis daily year-round.
Do you have a web site?
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Jay Payne, Sam Goldstein
Joe Dixon, Harold Goldstein
John P. Jones
John Uzak
A.C. Lewis
I also was at Ft Meade and Gyro'd over with the group in Feb. 58, also took CW training at Merrill in 58
Chuck, I heard that you roomed with a good friend of mine, Joe Dixon, spoke to Joe yesterday to wish him a " Happy New Year " he's getting old and can't hear well and I think some of his memory must be gone, not sure he remembered who I was but here's Joe's # 402-462-2031 He lives in Hastings Nebraska !
Sorry, but the site only lets you categorize by Random, Most Recent Joined, and Alphabetical.
Hope you find your Brothers, and good luck.
Oh yea, one more thing 'tags' work great for searching.
I was also in the advance party. I think we probably made the trip together. Who knows. Might have sat next to you on the long flight over.
In early December, we went from Meade to (I think) New York. Spent the night there and the next day got on a Seaboard and Western Constellation. Flew to Gander Newfoundland for refueling. Then on to Frankfurt. We were TDY to the 3rd ACR which was there until the rest of the regiment got there. I think it was March.
Did you know George Kovac? I think he was a comm guy. And Sgt Harden?
Have you gone to any of the regimental reunions?
You're probably right. Last of bunch. I've kept in touch with a few guys. John Roberts (PIO). Sid Gottfried (S-1 ppersonnel) And Jim Rourke (S-2, intelligence)
I'll have to pull up your bio, if my computer will cooperate.
Which section were you in?

Toujours Pret Charles,Welcome to the new DragoonBase, the new Base has plenty of newer features, lots of sub-groups,(ie,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,etc.) and links for 2nd Cav News and History.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for navigating the site (ie,photos,links,ect) in the Forum.
If you need any help, you can contact Robb, or myself, or just yell out, another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish, ‘Keep it clean’, use our Real names/with Pictures(pix from back in the day, work best for searching for Brothers, but any picture will do).
And that you please tell all your friends about the new DragoonBase.
Thanks Again for joining Dragoon Base, and for your service to our great country,
Jesse Kelley