Deltona, FL
Deltona, FL
Age: 70 Birthday: October 27
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Deltona, FL
October 27
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
HHT 3rd Sqd 2 ACR Squadron Maintenance
Where were you stationed?
Amberg Germany, Pond Barracks
What MOS or job description did you have?
MOS 63F20 Drove the M578 and M816 Wrecker in the Sqd Maint Plt.
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about you now.
Retired in 1993 out of Fort Stewart 24th ID as the BMS for 3/15 Inf . Now Manager with Trademark Metals Recycling in Daytona Beach Florida. Have been since 93. Nothing like having Bike Week and the Daytona Speedway within arms reach. Oh yea and the Beach. Married 35 years 1 Son. Live to Ride, Ride to Live.
Thanks for adding me to your Friends List *#:-)
David, I was married to that 578 from 68-70 RC, enjoyed the pics
Nice pictures David, thanks for posting them. I was with Mco from 78 until 80. Currently riding a 99 road glide.
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
Wishing you many more!!!
From all of us at DragoonBase.

Dave, have picture for you. Will try no sent it.Good to hear back from you, not sure you ever got the message that I left through the other website.
So how's things?
I thought you were from Califormia? How'd you end up in Florida?
Are you and Sue stilll married? I've gone through 2 wives (so far) :-o
My email address is KnightQuest1@comcast.net

Toujours Pret David, Welcome to the new DragoonBase, the new Base has plenty of newer features, lots of sub-groups,(ie,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,etc.) and links for 2nd Cav News and History.Robb Russell has posted some tips for navigating the site (ie,photos,links,ect) in the Forum.
If you need any help, you can contact Robb, or myself, or just yell out, another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish, ‘Keep it clean’, use our Real names/with Pictures(pix from back in the day, work best for searching for Brothers, but any picture will do).
And that you please tell all your friends about the new DragoonBase.
Thanks Again for joining Dragoon Base, and for your service to our great country,
Jesse Kelley
I remember your MSG's (Squadron Maint NCOIC) face better then his name. Didn't it start with a K or something and maybe he was Hawaiian or Polynesian or something like that. Its been 30 years and a few beers since then!