Hot Springs Village, AR
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Howitzer Battery, 1st Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Bayreuth, Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
51193, Field Artillery Officer. I
What was your rank/title?
Captain, Battery Commander
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
December 1965- December 1966
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Within 30 days of assuming command we left for Graf and 30 days training and sucessfuly passed the ATT. We then prepared to take a Technical Proficiency Inspection on the 155 mm nuclear round which we passed. We were the first 155 mm Battery to pass the test in the 7th Army. In the Summer we lost almost all our officers and NCO to Vietnam. We adjusted our personnel and continued to train. In the late Fall we were filled with green troops and provided an Armor Lieutenant for my XO. We went to Graf for an evaluation and after 30 days training successfully passed the test. We were the only Artillery Battery to pass that test. It was a year of first for our unit and a gratifying experience for me. BTW: we participated in Marne Mauler and a Delaying exercise with a passage of lines. I cherish my year with the Calvary and have fond memories of our times together.
Tell us a little about you now.
I left Germany for Vietnam and returned to Vietnam a second time in 1970 as an Artillery Adviser to the 18th ARVN Division. I was released from active duty in 1977, but was able to join the US Army Reserve and able to retire. I joined a Defense Contractor, Day & Zimmermann, which operated and maintained the Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada, and was able to retire from them in 2005. I am a member of the VFW, American Legion and the Order of Elks. I still play at golf when healthy.
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
1SGT Ralph Shaffer, Lt. Butch Chabberty, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Rose. The other names escape me right now
Good stories, Joe! That's what Dragoon Base is all about....locating old friends and sharing memories of our Cavalry days.
I don't have any Meisterbrau. Would you settle for a Maisel's Weiss? Made in Bayreuth!
I lived right across the street from the Bayreuth Officer's Club with my parents, 1954-55. This is my mom and I in front of the club.
My pleasure, Joe, but the bier might be a little flat by now. Here's a fresh one....
Happy Birthday, Joe!
welcome to the base sir ,,enjoy ... I was at 3rd Squadron Amberg squadron maint. 72-73. thankyou for your service to our country. "Toujours Pret"
Welcome to dragoon base Sir, hope you enjoy the site as much as I do...Iwas in germany 1968-1970 S-2 Section The ROCK !
Toujours Pret Joseph
The Dragoonbase.com, has
plenty of updated features
(HTML and format friendly), lots of sub-groups,
(Officers Club,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,and the
always busy Oldtimers club).
Also links for “2nd Cavalry Assn.”
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Robb Russell has posted some tips for
navigating the site(ie,photos,links,ect)
in the Forum.
Please feel free to stop by and read the
latest “Tacoma Dave's ‘Triva Quiz’”,
you can learn some 2nd Cav history,
and you could even, win a kool prize.
If you need any help, you may contact
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at the top of the page, or just yell out,
another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish is to,
‘Keep it clean’.
Use your real name and picture,
(pix from back in the day,work best
for searching for Brothers),
but any picture will do.
And that you please tell all your friends
about, where to find the DragoonBase.
Thanks again for joining Dragoon Base,
and for your Service and Dedication,
to Our Great Country.
Jesse Kelley
F Troop 2/2ACR