Rio Rancho, NM
Rio Rancho, NM
Birthday: February 24
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Rio Rancho, NM
February 24
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
M Co 3/2 Cdr 2nd ACR Regimental Adjutant 2/2 S-3
Where were you stationed?
Amberg Ft Lewis Ft Polk
What MOS or job description did you have?
Cav Officer
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
85-88 92-94
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I'd like to find any of the men I served with.
Tell us a little about you now.
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Chris Chewning, Frank China or any other trooper I served with.
The people that you met in Florida are all coming to your house in New Mexico for your birthday party.
Hope you
have a Happy Birthday, !!!!!!!!!
Good Morning Capt. Looker, WE just became friends on the dragoon site and I wanted to let you know that we have a face book page dedicated to Pond Barracks. It was started less than 2 months ago and we are already in excess of 300 members. It was set up for people who served there to reconnect and reminisce of the time we all served there. I was there from July of 82 to Dec of 84, most of which I was with M Co, which was a little before your time. Would love to have you come over and check us out. If you have a face book account you can request member ship and see what we are all about. Your predecessor, Capt, Jay Burcham, is a member there as well. Hope to see you there.
hello sir
my name is Phillip Benson i was also with Mco up until you came became the CO i just want to let you know there is a group of us men that where the before you and just had a Reunion, in bryson city Nc it was the second one so far and have on planned for 2016 but i would like to let you know there is a group of young men that are looking for you on face book that served under you so feel free to contact me back here and maybe i can help them in contacting you if you would want to. thank you Sgt Benson Mco 81 to 85 amberg
Pete, I have a memento of the old days that should rightly go to you. Send me an address and I want to send it to you. mark@markpettus.com
Toujours f'in Pret! The last time I tried to connect, you were running an ROTC program somewhere in Pennsylvania (how long ago was that?) and now you're in my home state. I was truly proud to have served with you. Hope you're doing well.
we hope to make the ride to the Grand Canyon next summer. We will make it a point to look y'all up
I have many fond memories of you. Let me take you back about 26 years. This young E-5, (who shot well for your XO), had his 18 year old German wife (now of 29 years) could not get on post because she did not have a USAEUR driver’s license. You sir walked across the parade field to my young wife walked her to get her license. Stayed till she was done! This was leadership Sir.
I did many field problems with you as the "Ole Man" CO and you were always a TANKER. Whatever you have found yourself doing after the CAV I am sure you have shown the same type of leadership.
I still have the picture framed of when you reenlisted me that sir was a proud day for my wife and I.
Thank You and I am sure you will arrive to a Hero's Welcome at Fiddler's Green.
Pete,I told David Kelly you were on here.Hope all is well .Was a great reunion in Gettysburg in October,very well attended.
Well sir It is so great to here from you.
You sir are a topic of many coversation at my home here in Georgia. We are glad to hear you are well.
I hope all is well with you