M1a1 Abrams Tanks in action Iraq-73 Easting

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Then Cpt. H.R. McMaster discussing the Battle of 73 Easting!

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  • Cant believe its now been over 23+ Years...  Toujours Pret

  • HOOOOOOAH whats that thay say about when you "mess with the best"...
    I remember very well standing with some guys from one of the "Armor" units watching the guys comming back from gunnery in Graf. Thair tanks had written in big numbers upper scores in the 900's with a couple of 1000's I said thats pritty good but look here comes our guys with big letters written "TOP GUN" with scores of 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 and few lower scores of 995 and nothing lower than 995! As I walked off I looked back and remember him with his mouth open.
  • That is why it is part of the curriculum at the Armor School and McMaster has parlayed that 23 minutes into a career. Hooah!

    And frankly it is the fulfillment of all those days and nights when the ACR's were training to do exactly what happened there.

    Of course when I was serving we had the M551 Sheridan - It would not have been the same outcome I suspect using that equipment (coupled with the ever popular M114).
  • Very impressive kill ratio for only 23 minutes.

    Thank you Chris
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