abandoned Camp Gates [the billets]

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part 8 of 8, filmed November 2008

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  • Thanks for the videos John, but... damn depressing. Wonder when they added the extra buildings and what they were for. Maybe more barracks space so the troops would fit. Zigler sure wouldn't like the mess hall now.

    Mike Chancey
    Delta Company 1/2 ACR
  • Hey there Mike, Great to hear from you. It's my first time back on these boards in several weeks...(I feel sort of strange not addressing you as "Sergeant Sawick even though I've been a civilian since 1984!)
    I had the same melacholic feelings about the disrepair of the camp when I filmed there. One of the eight parts I recorded is a too large of a file so I could not upload it; it shows the Operations Center where you as Gates NCOIC debriefed many of us before and after patrols. Now it is an open-roofed pile of gravel and brick. Once I figure out how to translate/compress it to an acceptable size I will post it as well. Incidentally I am in touch with a few other Demons such as Joe Harten, and I will post here agin in the coming days about a proposed reunion here in Europe before the May 2010 Reunion at Fort Knox. Thanks again for the post and Best Regards from Zürich, Switzerland.

    John M Walker
    Delta Company 1/2 ACR
  • Wow. Viewed the videos and found them depressing. I won't say I really enjoyed my time at Gates but there were some memorable occasions worth remembering. I remember the messhall made and served some respectabke coffee. Glad I never got to go back and visit after I left the FRG for the last time. Kinda wish I hadn't looked at the videos now. Mike S
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