OldSoldierIV by Tacoma Dave

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A Tribute to all Soldiers and Veterans, young and old.And most of all to Dave's Father Henry, who served in 3 wars .I am Honored, that Dave included me in this, and he was a total inspiration for my F Troop video.

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  • Thank you from all the soldiers in my family. Very well done,thanks again.



  • Much appreciated, Bob. I wanted to make a couple more using different pictures from Dragoon Base but I just haven't had the time.
  • Thank you !
  • Thank you! Brought back a lot of memories ... good and bad ... but don't change a thing.
  • Thank you Dave, from those that did and those that will.
  • Glad you enjoyed it Pete. It was done mainly from pictures off the old Dragoon Base. I was thinking of doing another one with pictures from the new Dragoon Base, but have been swamped lately and just don't have the time.

    If you want to see a list of what each picture is, go to the 2nd Cavalry Association's History Center.
  • dave this is excellent!!!!!.I sent it to my friends.
    thank you
    air troop
    rotor head
  • You guys did it, Mr. McKenna. I just put it to music with the pictures y'all took.
  • Love this....thanks so much!!!
  • Wonderful. Thankyou!

    Bob Mican
    Mco 3/2 ACR 85-87
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