Westminster, MD
Westminster, MD
Birthday: June 27
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Westminster, MD
June 27
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Co G Third Batalion Second Armd. Cajv. reg.
Where were you stationed?
Amberg germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Sept 1953
Tell us a little about your cav days.
We were like a big family. We all worked together.
Tell us a little about you now.
I got discharged in 1956 Iam retired now. Iam 78 years old. I belong to American Legion Post 223 And VFW post 467 I Am alife Member. I am a life member of Grave Diggers Post 2445.
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
James Pope- Benjiam Riddle- Paul Hoffman -
I remember well when the 3 tankers got killed in the roll over. In fact I was the effects officer and had to through their belongings befor shipping it out. Do you remember when the CO - Capt Kenny - of H Co committed sucicide in his office? I was his XO and 60 years later have no idea why he did it and still think I should havae beeen able to see it coming.
I see you were in G Co in Amberg and your name is famailiar. I joined G Co in Apr 52 as 3d Plt Ldr. Lt Lehrner and later Capt Mangrum wre the COs about that time. I dont know if our time in Co G overlapped but I did stayin the 3d Bn till Oct 57 in various Companies. At Fort Meade I was the CO of How Co. In Amberg we lost Cpl Dallas Aynes from Iowa in a half-track turnover. Perhaps you remember that since it did happen somewhere in that time frame. Please let me hear from you - we might have more in common. .
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
Tonight, for the first time, I started reading "oldtimer's" comments and saw several mentioning Andrew Hirsch as being in the Gyroscope movment of 1955; so was I. Rub-a-dub-dub, 2,700 men in a tub from Bremerhafen to NYC and then to FT Meade. I was in 1st Howitzer Battery until Feb 1956 when I was discharged from an RA tour.
M H Powell
Wishing you many more, from all us at DragoonBase!!!
Glad to read your post.
You got your discharge 6 yrs before I enlisted. I guess that makes me an Old Timer too. I was stationed at Bindlach with the 1st Sqdn. I was a tank driver mostly, but did other crew positions as needed.
Had good times overseas. Wouldn't have missed my time there for anything.
Keep on posting, we ol' guys have to keep the younger ones on the right path.
Yours truly,
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(pix from back in the day,work best
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And that you please tell all your friends
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Thanks again for joining Dragoon Base,
and for your Service and Dedication,
to Our Great Country.
Jesse Kelley
F Troop 2/2ACR