Lilburn, GA
Lilburn, GA
Birthday: April 28
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Lilburn, GA
April 28
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
HHT, 3rd Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Pond Barracks, Amberg
What MOS or job description did you have?
Tactical Intelligence Officer
What was your rank/title?
Captain, S2
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
1982 - 1984
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I served with the best group of guys I ever met in uniform -- the S2 section and Border Operations crew.
Tell us a little about you now.
I work in corporate marketing communications (agitation and propaganda, basically). Married, daughter in middle school. For sanity, I play bass in a southern rock / blues band. About once a week, I have lunch with Mike Hanley, formerly LT in L Troop. He works up the road from me at UPS in international finance. I'm also still connected with Steve Ponder, formerly of C Troop and Bindlach and the former Regimental Border Officer.
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Tim Hastings for one -- I'm still playing the balalaika he gave me as a going away present from the Regiment.
can I share my email address with you on this without it being broadcast? does the s-2 have a work around for that? You can check out www.vetsontherise.com and use info@vetsontherise.com to reach me and I'll share the goods....
Can't help but smile when I think of Tucker, either. He and I have been connected since the 90's when he moved to Milwaukee.
Dear Pete,
My condolences to Ilene. Never met her but remember you speaking of her.
Moved to the Carolinas because Barbara's family was here. Am now a retired gentleman and do some writing and editing for the Company of Military Historians. Worked in manufacturing. Things wre very good here for a while. If you did not like your job, you could walk down the street and get a new one.There's more Yankees here (13 miles south of Charlotte, NC) than there is in NY or NJ.
Went back to my Guard unit but they didn't want to soldier. Made out much better in the Army Reserve. Went to the retired reserve in 93 and retired officially in 09. My last assignment was with 2-10 Cav (Ft. Knox) in Camp Wainwright in Alberta Canada.
Hear from people from time to time but haven't heard from Brass Duck in some time. I read AJB's stuff from time to time but it is always in TNR (The New Republic) not TNR (The National Review). E-mailed him once when i saw him declaiming on CSPAN. Very sorry to hear about his son
Ended up adopting my two grandsons in 02. Became the father of an eight year old and a five year old at 52! Kristopher is 18 and Cody will be 16 in May..Alas, Barbara passed away in 05.
Don't miss Beantown since I got through my first summer here. My brother is still up there, up to his hps in snow and ice.
Atlanta is about 5 hours from here. Let us get together. My e-mail is jbronan@bellsouth.net. Its late. No. 2 spalpeen has to get up for school tomorrow.
Oberwactsmiester (Ret.)
Hoch, Kamerade!
Great hearing from you Cpt. Johnson, and thanks for the compliment. I only got that way because I had some great examples of leadership from you and SFC Hastings. I was ready to take charge as Squadron Border NCOIC after you all left. I have a transcript of a book that will be published soon about an experience the OIC and myself of a 24 hour period on the Border. If I can find or get an Email Address for you, i should be able to send you a copy. Alway Ready Sir!!! Sgt Z
You can call me Tony of course now that we are civies.However, Ras Cardillo has a certain aura to it, doesn't it? Well, now that I think of it , Ras Cardillo will do just fine.
Glad to year from you and give my regards to Mike .I thought of him occasionally .
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
I must say that my time in the Cav was one of the highlights and most memorable of my career. It was nice to hear from you after all of these years.
Wishing you many more, from all us at DragoonBase!!!