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  • Thanks Tony for getting back to Larry- See you both in a couple of weeks :)
  • Larry Olson, business casual will be fine for the banquet. As far as a's not required. Looking forward to seeing you there. Toujours Pret
  • Looking forward to meeting a few from the past . Is there a dress code for any of the events . I hate a tie an coat . To poor to own a Stetson.
  • John - Shiloh would be awesome I gearing up for that trip this summer, unfortunately I wont be able to from the Reunion. There is also a Battlefield Tour of Chickamunga with members of the active Regiment & the Historian there on Wednesday the APR 2nd. I dont have time yet if any of you want to do that one as well.
  • John Walker.....try posting on the 2nd Cav socials too. I'll be playing golf Thursday. If not for that.....But I'll definitely take you up on the first round. But I can be a little pricy....just a heads up
  • Fellow Troopers...

    For those attending the Reunion in April 2025:

    Is anyone interested in coming a day early and going to see the Shiloh Battlefield? If so please let me know either here or at john dot m dot walker at icloud dot com.

    You are welcome to "ride shotgun" as I will drive from Nashville to Shiloh that morning, probably stay the night in Shiloh (Nashville is a bit costlier $$$) and come back to the DoubleTree on the afternoon of the 3rd. I found a private guide and I've already budgeted that, so the only cost would be for your motel room near Shiloh.

    Plenty of room, the more the merrier...

    hope to see you all soon, first round is on me
    John (Walker)
  • Here is the Tentative Agenda for the Reunion Weekend

    Thursday (3 April)
    Golf Tournament Old Fort Golf Course (Handicapped Accessible)
    1400 – UTC Registration Opens
    1730-2130 Reception Social (Open Bar Heavy Hor’dourves, Cash Bar)
    1900 (Reunion Agenda/Sites Sounds & Tours of Nashville)

    Friday (4 April)
    0900 – 1500 Nashville Tours Self Guided (Country Music Hall of Fame, National Museum of African American Music, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville Trolley Tours etc…)
    1800 – 2100 Pizza Social Cash Bar Double Tree
    1900 Saturday’s Schedule & Brief Battle of Stones River (George Henry Thomas)
    Corn Hole Tournament
    Laser Marksmanship Tournament

    Saturday (5 April)
    0830 - 1130 Visit Stones River Battlefield
    1200 – 1500 Nearest Green Distillery Lunch & Tasting
    1730 – 1800 Grog Bowl Ceremony
    1800 – 2200 Banquet

    Sunday (6 April)
    0700 – 0900 Breakfast and Membership Meeting
    1000 – Depart
  • Thank you...
  • Yes the Banquet is Saturday evening. Will be putting out a time line soon.
  • Bob Reyes...yes.
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