Hombrechtikon, Canton of Zuerich
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
Company D of the First Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Bindlach, Bayreuth, Camp Gates and Camp Hof
What MOS or job description did you have?
19E20 armor sergeant / crewmember: loader, driver and gunner on commander's M60A3
What was your rank/title?
arrived a Private E-2, DEROS'd as a Sergeant E-5 to 3rd/77th Armor (Fort Polk's 5th ID) until ETS
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
three of my four years in service
Tell us a little about your cav days.
As soon as I have a few hours free I'll do one better: I will post some additional videos from my collection...
Tell us a little about you now.
I left the Army after one enlistment. During my post-Army career (turnarounds of automotive, railroads and industrial companies) I’ve worked mostly in Europe but also Asia and the United States. Today I assess procurement and supply chain operations for clients, based in Switzerland. Most of my clients are manufacturers of machinery for food production (i.e., grain milling, pasta extrusion, chocolate processing, etc.). I live in a small village called Hombrechtikon about 30 km SE from Zürich: more cows than people!
Happy birthday John.
Tell Benjamin I said hello he must be getting pretty big by now.
Hey John good to hear from you. all is well here, getting closer to retirement and looking forward to traveling about the country visiting with the kids and grand kids. Stay well my friend.
Last radio check was in 2014. Hope everything is alright with you and your family.
Glücklicher Geburtstag, Herr Walker. Ein Toast zu noch vielen!
Hi, John nice to to see you again and looking good, glad you saw the pictures, nice memories, thanks for remind me of Crecioni I have not seing him Delgado or Ruiz since 83. Arroyo and me are working @ San Juan VA Hospital. Hey Walker keep in contact. This group is the best.
Hey John,
You can send private messages on here. You just go to the persons page you want to contact and click on "Send Message" in the left column under their picture. It will open a new page where you can leave a private message only they can see.