abandoned Camp Gates [front gate] Posted by John M Walker on December 8, 2008 at 2:25 Sorry, your browser doesn’t support HTML5 videos. Views: 341 0 Get Embed Code <video autoplay poster="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/12262036463?profile=RESIZE_400x&width=400" controls> <source src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/12262036452?profile=default" type="video/mp4"> Sorry, your browser doesn’t support HTML5 videos. </video> part 1 of 8 part tour, filmed November 2008 You need to be a member of Dragoon Base to add comments! Join Dragoon Base Comments Carlos M. Bravo November 20, 2011 14:07 Carlos M. Bravo November 20, 2011 14:06 This was the main gate 1980 Carlos M. Bravo November 20, 2011 14:04 This is the gate back them, that was the motor pool 1980 Mark Allen Smelcer July 24, 2009 21:10 During our tours at Camp Gates, I remember standing quite a few hours of guard duty in the snow. It always seem to be the winter time when it our time to be at the camp This reply was deleted. E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow Popular Videos M1a1 Abrams Tanks in action Iraq-73 Easting CAMP GATES F Troop 2nd Sqdn-2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment Rollcall 1972-75 abandoned Camp Gates [gym] abandoned Camp Gates [the billets] abandoned Camp Gates [the Club and Dayroom]
This was the main gate 1980
This is the gate back them, that was the motor pool 1980