abandoned Camp Gates [messhall part 2]

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part 5 of 8, filmed November 2008

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  • Wow...I can't believe that's the same Camp Gates I remember so vividly. How could the German government just let the place fall apart like that? Doesn't anyone remember what we did there? How important Camp Gates was to our (and their) freedom? The place should be a freakin' shrine to German freedom, not some forgotten cluster of buildings on a plot of ground overgrown with weeds! School kids should be taken there on field trips, and taught all about the Cold War, and how we Americans stood shoulder to shoulder with their fathers and grandfathers to hold the G-D Commies back.
    Damn...sometimes things happen that really make you feel unappreciated and forgotten, don't they?
  • That is sad man - I have a pic of us having Christmas dinner - (with girlfriends) in there man....what a trip....really kinda sucks, great memories from there!
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