Litzendorf, Bayern
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
F Troop, 2d Squadron
HHT, 2d Squadron
HHT, 1st Squadron
Where were you stationed?
Warner Barracks (Bamberg, Germany)
Christensen Barracks (Bindlach, Germany)
What MOS or job description did you have?
2d Sqdn: Platoon Leader, Squadron Motor Officer, Troop XO, Border Officer
1st Sqdn: S-3
What was your rank/title?
2d Sqdn: 2LT, 1LT, CPT
1st Sqdn: MAJ
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
2d Sqdn: 1971-1975
1st Sqdn: 1986-1988
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Assignment to a Border Cavalry Regiment as a newly commissioned officer in 1971 was an absolute dream. In my first nine months in the Regiment, between border patrol, Grafenwöhr and Hohenfels, I spent about 30 days at home station. I met my wife here in Germany and after some time in the States, we returned to the Regiment, this time to 1st Sqdn. My fondest memories of the Army are from those days in the Second Dragoons.
Tell us a little about you now.
I'm retired, widowed, and still living in Germany. I ran the pistol department of the SG 1306 Bamberg gun club, one of the oldest and largest (1100+ members) in Germany for 12 years. I'm currently treasurer of the local Porsche Club and enjoy tooling around the countryside with them. I also enjoy driving all over Europe with my dog Monty, who just turned Sweet Sixteen and is still going strong.
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
There are so many. Anyone who served in the Regiment when I did and lives in Europe.
Reservations for the reunion will be for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, with check-out the morning of the 6th.
Thank you for your continued support of the Regiment!
Happy to see you on Dragoon Base! It's been weeks since I've had a chance to look on here. Retirement is too busy. Will see you in April!
Yes Paul, Bill Barry is also a member here but we don't hear from him very often.
Morning, Top Miller! Maybe I'll get up to see you if I make it back next fall.
Paul, Good to see up online with a great group of Old/New Cav Troopers. Sorry to hear about your wife Ursula. I assume Bill Barry got you connected with Dragoon Base. Looking forward to seeing you Bill's get together dinner. Bill & I stay connected regularly on our private e-mail address. Jack "Better known on here Top Miller"
Hey Paul,
I have been going thru my pix, trying to remember you.
This picture was in my 'do not remember file', figure I can't go wrong, if it is not you, maybe you remember who it is.
Toujours Pret
Welcome to Dragoon Base. You shouldn't have any problem finding someone who served in the Regiment same time as you. There are some F Troop guys here from your time you might know. Jesse Kelley was F Troop from 1972-75 and knows of others here at Dragoon Base who were F Troop then also.
And like yourself, many of our members here still reside in Germany. My former 1st Sgt, Jack Miller, still lives in the Bayreuth area as do others. Just a matter of tracking them down.
My dad was 1st Battalion motor officer in Bindlach 1953-55 before they became squadrons. Spent my 1st birthday in Bayreuth, where we lived across the street from the Officer's Club on Parsifalstrasse just across the park from the Wagner Festspielhaus, and my 21st birthday at Camp Pitman in Weiden just two days after we blew up Sheridan C-15 while on maneuvers in July 1974. Maybe you heard about it.
So you're a mechanic who likes guns? You would have gotten along with my dad. He was recon through WW II, and battalion to post level motor sergeant/officer and instructor/inspector through Korea and Vietnam. Incredible mechanic and also a national champion marksman, winning the National Guard Rifle Championships held at Ft Lewis in 1935 and being the high National Guard shooter at the Camp Perry National Rifle Matches in 1936. He was awarded the Distinguished Marksman's Badge in 1935 and earned enough "legs" (13 earned - 3 needed) to have received the award three times. He also had two legs towards the Distinguished Pistol Badge. He quit competing after 1948 when he started wearing glasses, but got into one more shoot in Pegnitz 1954 with the Polizei and won the competition. I still have the plaque on the wall.
Anyway, hope we can stir up some of those old memories we here all cherish so much.
Always Ready, sir!
Welcome Paul.
The Dragoonbase.com, has
plenty of updated features
(HTML and format friendly), lots of sub-groups,
(Officers Club,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,and the
always busy Oldtimers club).
Also links for “2nd Cavalry Assn.”
News and History Centers.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for
navigating the site(ie,photos,links,ect)
in the Forum.
Please feel free to stop by and read the
latest “Tacoma Dave's ‘Triva Quiz’”,
you can learn some 2nd Cav history,
and you could even, win a kool prize.
If you need any help, you may contact
Robb Russell, or any of the 5 admins listed
at the top of the page, or just yell out,
another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish is to,
‘Keep it clean’.
Use your real name and picture,
(pix from back in the day,work best
for searching for Brothers),
but any picture will do.
And that you please tell all your friends
about, where to find the DragoonBase.
Thanks again for joining Dragoon Base,
and for your Service and Dedication,
to Our Great Country.
Jesse Kelley
F Troop 2/2ACR