What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
First Squadron 70-74, 88-90 Third Squardon 81-82, Regimental HQ 83-88
Where were you stationed?
Bindlach, Amberb and Nurnberg Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
B Troop XO 70-72, 1/2 Asst S3 73-74, 3/2 Sdn XO 82-83, Regt S-3 83-86, Regt XO 87-88, Cdr 1/2 ACR 88-90
What was your rank/title?
2Lt, 1Lt, Capt, Maj, LtCol
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
1070-1974, 1982-1990
Tell us a little about your cav days.
Mostly served during the cold war border era
Tell us a little about you now.
Senior NATO Rep at ISAF HQ, Kabul Afghanistan
Hello sir. I was on the Christensen Barracks Facebook page and accidentally clicked on your name. You had posted about attending an opera in Paris. That reminded me of a conversation we had 30 years ago about the Wagner festival in Bayreuth. I was a young SSG back then. I just wanted to thank you for all the leadership you showed.
This is Steve Oliver from 1/2 ACR. I served from June 1969 thru June 1972...HQT XO (and all the jobs that went with that position, moving to A troop with Ralph Barber as troop commander for about 3 months and then to Adjutant for LT Col George Rostine for 18 months and closed out my tour in S3 with Cpt John Roseburg.
I seem to recall having a party at your apartment that included Black Russian drinks. I cannot remember all in attendance but, Tom Kreger, Bill Rounds come to mind.
Sue & I also hosted a couple Christmas parties at our APT in Fursetz.
Let me know if my memory is correct.
Steve Oliver
Happy birthday, sir.
Glad I met you at the reunion. .69-71 Pond Barracks.
Hello Bob. I served under you in Bindlach 89-90. I'll always remember the squadron runs to the autobahn and back and your leadership. "Always Ready, Always First"