Forest Grove, OR
Forest Grove, OR
Birthday: January 7
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Forest Grove, OR
January 7
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
First of the second in Bindlach, Germany. I was first in Delta Tank company.
Where were you stationed?
Bindlach, Germany
What MOS or job description did you have?
Armor. I was a tank driver in an M-60 tank. Later, i was with the volunteer fire dept. on base.
What was your rank/title?
PFC for life.
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
1971 through 1974
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I was stationed in Bindlach, Germany from October, '71 until April, '74. I loved it there. The nicest part, I think, was that I completed my high school studies there and graduated from Nurnberg American High. I joined a really neat church that was partly on base and partly in Bayreuth, Germany. Lots of nice folks.
Tell us a little about you now.
I am a Psych Nurse (RN) in Portland, OR. I am a P-3 paraglider pilot in my spare time. I haven't been back to Germany but do plan on going sometime soon.
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Jim Cain, Bill Cannon, Henry B. Drake, Jeff Neis, Mario Rodriguez
Thanks for the update Richard. Yes, it was a great time. We have had the opportunity to revisit the "Rock" 3 times now. However it is now back in German control and is a neighborhood community of houses, apartments, stores etc. HQ is an old folks and nursing home now.
I'm not sure if you remember me , d company 71-73 hq platoon in 71 then in 3rd platoon
until I left in 73 .
mike Hall
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!

Toujours Pret Richard,Welcome to the DragoonBase, the new Base
has plenty of updated features
(similar to MySpace), lots of sub-groups,
(ie,Officers Club,F-Trp,Amberg,Medics,etc.)
and links for 2nd Cavalry Assn. News
and History Centers.
Robb Russell has posted some tips for
navigating the site(ie,photos,links,ect)
in the Forum.
Make sure to stop by and read the latest
“Tacoma Dave's ‘Triva Quiz’”,you can learn
some 2nd Cav history, and you could
even, win a kool prize.
If you need any help, you may contact
Robb Russell, or any of the 5 admins listed
at the top of the page, or just yell out,
another member may be able to help you.
And our only wish is to, ‘Keep it clean’, use our
Real names/with Pictures, (pix from back in the
day,work best for searching for Brothers,
but any picture will do).
And that you please tell all your friends, about
where to find the DragoonBase.
Thanks again for joining Dragoon Base,
and for your Service to Our Great Country.
Jesse Kelley
F Troop 2/2ACR