
Views: 193
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I don't care how many times you watch this, you will still get a lump in your throat

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  • Having come from a family that was not ARMY, my father served in WW II ( 8th Army Air Force ) B-17's, my Uncle fought the Japs ( 25 Infantry, Tropic Lightning ) , my Brother served in the Nam ( 101st Airborne) and I served with the 2nd Cav. during the Cold War. None of us were career Soldier but we did our duty! I drive Army Recruits daily for processing and shipping. Some are just looking for a job, but MOST are doing what is right ! I have faith in ( most ) of our youth. Toujours Pret.
  • Yea it is a powerful video! I hope he does well now. I am troubled though by the attitude in this coutry for our soldiers. To many thankyou's and no putting the money where there mouth is.
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