Age: 82 Birthday: January 7
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January 7
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
HHT w/duty Station USAG North(Sub-Post Bayreuth), HHT,B,C &HWB.
Where were you stationed?
Bayreuth. Bindlach
What MOS or job description did you have?
Old MOS was 114 later 19Z5ML
What was your rank/title?
SGT,SSG,SFC,PSG,MSG & ISG Senior Couselor Public Affairs Officer
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
64-66, 68-70, 74-80, 80-92
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I retired from the U.S. Army 31 Dec. 1980 and from the Dept. of the Army on 7 Dec 2005 with over 44 years before retiring on 7 Jan 2005. I can rember faces well, but with all the fine Cav Soldiers & Civilians I served with it's difficult trying to point out something specific.
Tell us a little about you now.
My wife 0f 46 years Trudy and I live about 5 min. from Bayreuth in our home we bought 30 years ago. We have 5 childern, 7 grand-childern and 3 great-grand childern.
Phone number (Optional).
Name a few buddies you served with that you would like to find.
Ben Causey, Tony Isaacs
Jack--do you remember a signal officer in 1988 who got medevaced? I do believe my nickname was "Muddy" back then . . . How are things?
Too many years have passed, TOP. The day we met you had returned from the border (we had Pitman & Gates). I reported to you and you said "Corporal Crockett, I'll bet your name is Davy?" That name stuck for the next 17+ years! I remember Col. E. Robert White, Col. Densberger, COL. W.D. Stanley, LTG Lute, GEN Dempsey. Papa John, Mike Renshaw, and lots of others from Jul7 77 to July 80. Good times, never forgotten! "Remember your regiment and follow your officers. Toujours Pret!"
Bob, It is really great to hear from you, my assignment to the Red Legs was different and enjoyable. It was really a hard blow to me to hear that Ben passed away. He was one of my best fiends, we were neighbors in the in the Hugo Rudel Strasse in Bayreuth; we spent many long hours together. We rebuilt my old VW Beetle in my basement and changed it from 6 to 12 volts. His wife Ursula and my wife Trudy were really close. He came up from Bamberg for my retirement ceremony, Gen. (Ret) Bill Weber told awhile back he was teaching school, it was his life long dream to work with childern. Stay in touch. Top
Hello sir.
You probably don't remember me as one of those young lieutenants down in HOW Battery but I remember you as one of those great cavalry NCOs. Bennie Causey was my First Sergeant for a while and I remember how much he took care of the young officers, taught them how to be better, and never hesitated to politely correct us when necessary. :) I never got to say thanks after all these years and always thought that I would get to see him some day and buy him a beer. Well, tonight I looked him up on the internet and see that he passed away recently. I'll never forget that great gentleman, and how he could do a million leg lifts!!! Here is the link. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/elpasotimes/obituary.aspx?n=bennie...
Cheers and a toast to Bennie,
Did you ever get your email/password issue straightened out with Dave Gettman? Guess the last we talked about it was in January.
Have not talked to you in too long. Was on the dragoonbase looking for some info and couldn't pass up the chance to say hello.
Toujours Pret