Astoria, OR
Astoria, OR
Age: 67 Birthday: November 21
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Astoria, OR
November 21
What unit(s) did you serve in with the 2d Cavalry?
B troop 1/2 ACR
Where were you stationed?
What MOS or job description did you have?
11D 10
What was your rank/title?
What years were you assigned to the 2nd Cavalry?
Tell us a little about your cav days.
I was the driver of B37 from 1974-76( B/37 TOP GUN 1975 )
Tell us a little about you now.
still hear
Happy birthday, Mike. Toujours Pret, brother!
Happy birthday Mike, and a tip o' the old Grand Pilsner to ya!
Yea, PICT1006 is Rick Bulak, in PICT 1024 I had forgotten that FDR Parker was the third .
In pict1025 I knew that was Webb, I recognize the other fellow as someone I was not close with and can't come up with a name. BTW what was Coward's first name -- I,m coming up blank.
Ward -
New to the site, but I have some photos of some of the same folks you do. I was only on the Rock for about 18 mos, got traded to HHT Regt ( Regimental Border Ops Center).
During my time there I was in 3rd Plt on an M113, forgot the bumper number, though. Frank Parker was my driver. Moved to 2nd Plt when someone had "personality problems" there, and took over B-24, which I promptly named Bucket O' Bolts. Had 6 weeks to learn how to shoot the damn thing, with Mark DeRuyter gunning and Stanford loading. Went to Graf and missed qualifying by 1 target hit . Jackie C Packer wasn't happy with me at all. I didn't care - I was going to Regt in Nurenberg.
Anyway, will get pics up soon. I have tentatively idendified you, Bulak, Felker, & Laroche, in my pics, others I recognize but can't come up with names.
Paul (PJ) Parker
Wishing you many more, from all of us at DragoonBase!!!